Our base of operations is located in Deer Lake, Newfoundland, approximately 3 hours drive from the Port aux Basques ferry terminal, and only minutes from Deer Lake Airport.

By Air

To get here by air, you will fly right into the Deer Lake airport. YDF Connecting flights can be made through many major centers including Toronto, Montreal and Halifax. Boston and Newark arriving into Deer Lake daily.

West Jet Airlines
Toll Free: 1-877-952-0100
In Canada: 1-888-937-8538
Online: westjet.com
Air Canada
Toll Free: 1-888-247-2262
Online: aircanada.com

Or contact your local booking agent.

Full Directions from Deer Lake Airport

Driving Directions

Hunters driving to Newfoundland must take the Marine Atlantic Ferry from North Sydney, Nova Scotia to Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland (approximately 6 hours). Once arriving to Newfoundland you will have an approximate 3 hour drive to our base of operations in Deer Lake.

Marine Atlantic
Toll Free: 1-800-341-7981
Online: marineatlantic.com

Full Directions from Marine Atlantic Ferry

Call Now 1-709-636-8907